I decided to send my Aunt $10,000 cash. I put it in the mail, made sure the address was correct, and everything. I intended for my Aunt and only my Aunt to receive this cash. What I didn’t know is that my Aunt no longer lived in that home. Instead, there was a squatter occupying the property. This squatter was pure evil. His intentions was to steal, kill, and destroy. So, what do you think he did when got that money?

Do you think the squatter tried to find my Aunt to get the $10,000 to her since it was addressed to her and I intended on her receiving it? Or do you think the squatter decided to take this money and do whatever he wanted to do with it? Evil spirits and demons do not care about your intentions. They have a job to do and they will do it.

Spirits Do Not Linger on Earth: The Truth of What Happens After Death

One of the most fundamental misunderstandings that lead people astray is the belief that the spirits of the dead can linger on earth, watching over us or interacting with us. This post is a follow up to my post about talking to the deceased. According to the Bible, this is simply not the case. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV) makes it clear:

“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

This scripture tells us that when a person dies, their spirit does not hang around but returns to God, who gave it. The souls of our loved ones are not wandering the earth, waiting to communicate with us. Any attempt to reach out to them is not only futile but also dangerous because it opens us up to interacting with deceptive spirits and they will take full advantage of it.

Familiar Spirits: Deceptive Entities That Imitate the Dead

When we try to communicate with our deceased loved ones, we are not speaking to them but to what the Bible refers to as familiar spirits. These are evil spirits that masquerade as the spirits of the dead, using personal information and memories to deceive and manipulate us. They are deeply entrenched in the kingdom of darkness and are not seeking to bring comfort but rather to gain access to our lives.

The Bible explicitly warns against consulting these spirits. Leviticus 19:31 (KJV) says:

“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”

These spirits are familiar not because they care but because they have observed human behavior for generations. They know our weaknesses, our desires, and our fears, and they use this knowledge to present themselves as our lost loved ones. The emotional connection we feel is the bait, and it is precisely this deception that makes them so dangerous.

Good Intentions Do Not Protect Us from Spiritual Harm

It’s easy to think that because our intentions are pure—because we only want to connect, find comfort, or honor our loved ones—we are protected. However, in the spirit realm, intentions do not safeguard us from spiritual consequences. The Bible repeatedly warns against practices like necromancy (communicating with the dead) because it is a form of spiritual rebellion, whether we realize it or not.

Evil spirits do not care about our intentions. They exploit our lack of knowledge and our emotional vulnerabilities to gain access to our lives. When we open these doors, even unknowingly, we invite spiritual darkness that can manifest in various ways: confusion, depression, fear, and even oppression.

Lack of Knowledge: A Dangerous Gap That Can Lead to Destruction

One of the reasons why many fall into these dangerous practices is simply a lack of knowledge. When people do things like burning sage, burning hair, tarot card readings, claiming zodiac signs, and more may seem harmless because we don’t know what is doing in the spirit realm. The Bible emphasizes the peril of ignorance in Hosea 4:6 (KJV):

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:”

This scripture is a sobering reminder that not knowing or understanding God’s commandments can lead us into harm’s way. It is not enough to have good intentions; we must also seek wisdom and discernment through God’s Word. Without knowledge, we are susceptible to spiritual deception, and this ignorance can cause destruction in our lives.

The lack of understanding about the spirit realm, the nature of familiar spirits, and the consequences of engaging with them can lead us to make choices that ultimately harm us spiritually and emotionally. The rest of Hosea 4:6 KJV says

“…because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.”

So, it’s important to take heed when you learn something that comes from the Bible, even if hard to accept right away. Our best intentions mean nothing if we are walking in disobedience or aligning ourselves with forces opposed to God.

The Dangers of Engaging with Familiar Spirits

  1. Spiritual Deception: Familiar spirits deceive by pretending to be loved ones, but their true aim is to draw you away from God. They plant seeds of doubt, fear, and dependency, pulling you further into spiritual darkness.
  2. Opening Doors to Evil: Engaging with familiar spirits, even out of love or grief, opens doors to spiritual attacks, nightmares, and emotional turmoil. These spirits do not have your best interests at heart; they seek to cause harm.
  3. Distracts from God’s Comfort: Instead of finding solace in Christ, you may find yourself dependent on false comfort. This dependence can become a spiritual snare, leading you away from prayer, scripture, and God’s presence, which is the true source of healing.
  4. Violation of God’s Commands: Consulting with spirits violates God’s clear commands. This disobedience can lead to spiritual consequences, not because God is punishing you but because you have aligned yourself with forces that oppose Him.

Finding True Peace in God

In times of grief and longing, it is crucial to turn to God rather than seeking comfort through forbidden means. The Bible assures us that God is near to the brokenhearted and understands our pain. Psalm 34:18 (KJV) says:

“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”

True peace and comfort come from the Holy Spirit, who is called the Comforter for a reason. God invites us to bring our sorrows, questions, and pain to Him, where we can find healing that is genuine and free from deception.

How to Guard Against Spiritual Deception

  1. Pray for Discernment: Ask God to give you discernment and wisdom, especially in times of grief or vulnerability. He will guide you and protect you from spiritual traps.
  2. Study God’s Word: The Bible is a powerful tool against deception. Knowing what God’s Word says about death, the spirit realm, and His commands will help you stay grounded in truth.
  3. Seek God’s Presence: Turn to God in your moments of pain. Let His presence be your comfort and guide. Worship, prayer, and meditation on scripture are ways to draw near to Him.
  4. Avoid Dangerous Practices: Steer clear of activities that attempt to contact the dead or explore the occult. Instead, find support through Christian community, counseling, or prayer groups.

Trust God’s Design

God’s design is perfect, and His commandments are given to protect us, not to withhold comfort. While our intentions may be pure, the spirit realm does not operate according to our desires. Familiar spirits are real, deceptive, and dangerous, but God offers us a path of safety and peace through His presence.

Instead of seeking answers or comfort through forbidden means, place your trust in God, who sees, knows, and cares deeply for you. He is the ultimate source of peace, comfort, and healing, even in the midst of loss. Trust Him, and let His truth guard your heart and mind in all things.

Love, Nilsa

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