The loss of a loved one is a deeply painful experience, and it’s natural to long for their presence, seek comfort, or wish for a connection that feels ongoing. In our grieving moments, the temptation to communicate with those who have passed on can feel comforting, but as Christians, we must approach this matter with great caution. The Bible makes it clear that communicating with the dead is not only dangerous but also forbidden because it involves interacting with deceptive, evil spirits known as familiar spirits.

What Happens After Death: A Biblical Understanding

The Bible gives us a clear picture of what happens when someone dies, and it provides guidance on why we should not attempt to communicate with the deceased. According to Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV):

“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

This scripture underscores that our spirits do not linger on earth after death; they return to God. This means that any attempt to communicate with the dead is not connecting with our loved ones, but rather opening the door to something far more sinister—familiar spirits.

What Are Familiar Spirits?

Familiar spirits are evil spirits that masquerade as the spirits of deceased loved ones. They are deceptive, manipulative, and their primary goal is to gain access to your life, causing spiritual and emotional harm. These spirits are not harmless entities but part of the kingdom of darkness that opposes God. Their aim is to lure individuals into forbidden spiritual practices, such as necromancy (communicating with the dead), which God explicitly forbids.

The Bible warns against consulting familiar spirits in several passages, including Leviticus 19:31 (KJV):

“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”

This command is not just a restriction but a protective measure from God, who knows the dangers of opening ourselves up to the demonic realm.

Why You Should Not Seek Communication with the Dead

  1. You Are Not Speaking to Your Loved One: As Ecclesiastes 12:7 clearly states, our spirits return to God after death. Any spirit that presents itself as your deceased loved one is a counterfeit, seeking to deceive you. These spirits have watched and observed people over time, knowing personal details that can make them seem like the person you miss, but their intent is malicious.
  2. It Opens the Door to Spiritual Harm: Engaging with familiar spirits opens the door to the demonic realm, giving these evil forces legal access to your life. What may start as a comforting “conversation” can quickly turn into nightmares, spiritual oppression, and emotional turmoil. These spirits thrive on fear, doubt, and confusion, all of which they sow into the lives of those who interact with them.
  3. It Leads You Away from God: Seeking comfort from familiar spirits can become a form of idolatry, replacing God as your source of peace and solace. Instead of turning to prayer, scripture, and the Holy Spirit for comfort, you end up relying on deceitful spirits that lead you further away from God’s truth. This practice subtly shifts your faith and focus away from God, damaging your spiritual walk.
  4. It Is a Direct Violation of God’s Word: God’s instructions are clear—communication with the dead and engaging with familiar spirits are sins. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (KJV), God lists these practices among the abominations that He detests:

“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord.”

Finding True Comfort and Peace in Christ

In moments of grief, it’s essential to remember that our comfort and hope come from God, not from attempts to reconnect with the dead. Christ invites us to bring our sorrows, our questions, and our pain to Him. In Matthew 11:28 (KJV), Jesus says:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

True healing and peace are found in God’s presence, where we can be assured that He cares for us and understands our deepest pain. Turning to Him, reading His Word, and surrounding ourselves with a community of faith are the pathways to healing, not consulting spirits that mean us harm.

Practical Steps to Avoid the Deception of Familiar Spirits

  1. Seek God in Prayer: When you feel the urge to communicate with a lost loved one, take that feeling to God in prayer. Ask Him to fill the void in your heart with His love and comfort.
  2. Immerse Yourself in Scripture: The Bible provides comfort, wisdom, and truth. Verses like Psalm 34:18 remind us that “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart.” Let God’s Word be your source of strength.
  3. Find Support in Christian Community: Surround yourself with fellow believers who can pray with you, encourage you, and help you stay grounded in God’s truth during times of grief.
  4. Guard Your Heart and Mind: Be cautious of media, books, or individuals that promote communicating with the dead. Protect your spiritual wellbeing by keeping your focus on God.

Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Losing a loved one is one of life’s most challenging experiences, but as Christians, we can trust that our loved ones are in God’s hands. The Bible assures us that we will one day be reunited with those who have gone before us in Christ, but until that day, our focus should remain on God.

Avoid the dangerous temptation to speak with familiar spirits masquerading as loved ones, and instead, seek God’s comfort, peace, and healing. Remember, God is near to the brokenhearted, and His love is more than enough to carry us through even the darkest valleys.

Love, Nilsa

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